Parent Resources » Volunteer Application Form

Volunteer Application Form

Definition of a Volunteer

A volunteer is anyone 18 or older (21 years or older for overnight activities) who receives no monetary
compensation from the school district. A volunteer may be a parent, District employee, family member, or
community member who submits an annual application to the school principal or designee to participate. Per
Assembly Bill 506, regular volunteers are required to complete annual mandated reporter training. All WVUSD
volunteers will be required to complete Mandated Reporter training.
Levels of Volunteer Assistance Regarding Background Checks
To provide students with a safe environment and allow for a variety of volunteering opportunities, the District
has classified volunteers into two levels. Before a volunteer can provide services on a school campus they
must meet the following District requirements:
LEVEL 1 VOLUNTEER: On-site volunteers
On-site volunteers who will work alongside a certificated employee (teacher) for the duration of their volunteer
service. A Level 1 Volunteer is required to complete all of the following:
a. Submit a completed application each school year
b. Provide a copy of a California Driver’s License or California I.D.
c. Complete online annual Mandated Reporter Training through ASCIP
d. Clear Tuberculosis test paid for by the applicant (good for 4 years)
e. Undergo a background check using Verkada before each school visit
LEVEL 2 VOLUNTEER: Chaperones who supervise students for any off-site events
May have pre-scheduled, frequent, and prolonged contact with students for activities, events, and field trips as
volunteers without direct supervision by certificated staff (teachers/administrators). Volunteers for overnight
field trips must be over 21 years of age. A Level 2 Volunteer is required to complete all of the following:
a. Submit a completed application each school year (if volunteering at more than one school, please
provide a copy to each campus)
b. Provide a copy of a California Driver’s License or California I.D.
c. Complete online Mandated Reporter Training online through ASCIP
d. Clear Tuberculosis test (good for 4 years) Fees paid by the applicant
e. Undergo a background check using Verkada at the site before each volunteering opportunity
f. Process fingerprints for clearance by the State of California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for clearance. Fees ($66.24) are paid by the applicant.
Fingerprinting only needs to be completed once, and is good for the duration of the volunteer service,
even if over several years.
Per Assembly Bill 506, an administrator, employee, or regular volunteer of a youth service
organization shall undergo a background check pursuant to Section 11105.3 of the Penal
Code to identify and exclude any persons with a history of child abuse. WVUSD is also
required to develop and implement child abuse prevention policies, including the reporting
of possible child abuse and/or neglect.

If you wish to schedule a fingerprint appointment at the District Office, you can do so using this link.  

You also have the option to use any Live Scan facility, you must use the form below if you choose to go outside the District.